SPCA – Sociedade de Advogados SP, RL was founded in January 2005, and is registered in the General Council of the Portuguese Bar Association under the number 26/05.
Its constitution is the result of the union of lawyers with extensive experience in the practice of law and that since 1992 have collaborated with each other in order to create an integrated and better prepared structure to respond to the greater demand and complexity of both legal practice and consultancy of our days.
SPCA provides broad-spectrum legal services such as legal advice, representation of Clients in legal proceedings, dispute resolution, arbitration mechanisms, follow-up on procedures, acts, negotiations and issuance of legal information and opinions.
Always having as a presupposition the performance of an activity with rigor, ethics, independence and suitability, SPCA is organized in specialized but complementary structures, in which the professional performance of the lawyers that constitute it is based on teamwork, collaboration, rationality and interdisciplinarity, with the purpose of ensuring an effective and adequate follow-up to Customer’s needs, taking into account their activity, their objectives and the best defense of their interests.
Providing the legal services as a whole, SPCA has however focused its activity on legal support for companies and economic groups.